
Disclaimer for Clickerly.Net

The information on this website is only for an informational purpose at the end user’s sole risk. We take no guarantee of the accuracy, value, or completeness of the provided information and shall not be held responsible or liable for any errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the information or if any user is solely relied on the information. User or a reader is himself responsible for verifying the information as being appropriate for personal use. We don’t claim to be officially related to any brands, products or services mentioned on the website and have no right to them. This site ‘clickerly.net’ provides information about auto clicking tools, gaming tools, and other software apps. And these are the helpful tools designed to automate tasks so that the end user can streamline the daily working tasks. The images, names, media, links or buttons used on the website are just for the references and informational purpose only.